Why Get Your Triptik? 

A Business Blog is a Big Job

Get Your TripTik to Join Me

While business blogs are indeed hogs, they’re also integral to creating your digital imprint, critical for building awareness online, and, done well, serve as a nonstop marketing machine for you.

At the very least, your blog allows access to information about you and your business, products, and services, 24-7.

So when I talk about “blog bling,” I’m not talking about superficial things, but instead about techniques, systems, and tools, to create and manage a successful blog property.

Interestingly, there is no single path for creating a successful business blog. And so, although there’s a Journey Map for experiencing the ©BLOG TRANSFORMATION HIGHWAY in this learning quest, this isn’t a cookie-cutter system but more an exploration to figure out what’s the best strategy for your individual case.

Like in other disciplines, there are many ways to do something—to reach a result—so, this course shows you some possibilities, sometimes even ideas that contradict each other, and looks at best practices.

Providing all the pieces is one thing, a HUGE thing, I think. But perhaps more importantly, are considerations that also dictate what works best for you in particular. Because really, there are so many things about a blog, like:

  • the kind of business or industry you’re in
  • the type of blog or website you want to have
  • what your personality or style is

And, you have to zero in on and ask yourself, “What’s the Shiz Dizzle for my audience?“! Yep. You got it. Because your blog’s audience translates to customers and business for you.

Are You IN?

This course is for you if a blog is imperative! Solo bloggers, content makers, small business owners, blog managers, or freelancers, responsible for developing a dynamic website content hub are going to love this blogging quest.

HERE You Go!

Meet Sue-Ann a Little More

I’m passionate about blogging and business and bring decades of business experience along with creating valuable website copy, business blog assets, and writing projects galore for businesses for nearly 7 years in the digital space.

I’m appearing for my second year among an amazing group of industry leaders in the livestreaming and digital media space in Ross Brand’s 7th annual mega-review discussing exciting trends, new tech, and more! Take a look at last year’s information in this post, or buy the book here🙂

Sue-Ann asked again to be included in in Livestraming & Digital Predictions by Ross Brand, among some great names in media and the digital space.

I’m still learning every single day. But, I also love sharing everything about business and content with clients, colleagues and friends, and business partners, alike.

This Blog Bling course is something I am extremely thrilled to offer and it’s been in the making since 2017. Finally, I promise you, it’s awesome and I’d love for you to be part of it.

Your support is more appreciated than I can say… hope to see you there!

An Interview…

⬅ ⬅ Here’s a recent podcast interview for Study the Solopreneur if you want to listen.

Or you can read the blog post on the website, I Am My Imagination here if you’re a reader:)

Feedback from BETA Group Members:

“I’m very impressed with the stuff you’ve been offering. Really.” ~Amanda R.

“I always say, time flies when learning is fun.” ~April H.

“You seem well-prepared and stuck to the time which is also great. The content
good. I think new people will learn things, and people who have been around for a while will get to clear the cobwebs out.” ~Sharon H.

“It was really good. You really got it going now, GF!” ~Lisa S.

 â€œWas a great LIVE today.” ~Cori L.

Thank you for your interest in the How to Bling Your Blog & Feed That Hog Learning Quest. Maybe you can use a little help and besides, a fun little blogging trip to blog hog heaven may just be the magic you need to grow your business and get your blogging mentality in shape! Working within a group and with an organized approach to help you find your unique path to blogging success may just be what you need right now.

For more about Sue-Ann, you can check out some bylined work samples, or connect with me on social.

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